
Armstrong Steel Customer Reviews

Americans trust Armstrong Steel everyday for timely, cost-effective, and dependable steel building systems.


of Happy Customers


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4.9 out of 5

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Jim D.

"Davis Brothers Inc. has been in the farming business for years. We truly care about a quality product, and that's why we needed the best quality steel building to store our own inventory. People from all over West Virginia come to buy our famous potatoes, and our customers trust that we keep their food in a safe and clean space. We tell our visitors how pleased we are with our Armstrong Steel building all the time, and we'll continue to tell them for years to come! Thank you for contributing to the success of Davis Brothers!"

Shane M.

"Every time I've shown up to Armstrong Steel's Headquarters in the Denver Tech Center to discuss a building project with the project managers they are accommodating, efficient, priced right and they take care of our needs."

Noah B.

"When I bought my building, I was afraid that it would be too big of a project to handle but Armstrong made it easy. I needed a new barn, and while comparing my options, I discovered that an Armstrong building was equivalent in pricing to other wooden pole barns. It was so easy to erect that it only took four friends and I, one weekend. When friends see my building they love how it looks, they would rather stay in the barn than in the house! Highly recommended."

Leo D.

"My grandfather, father and I have been in the design-build business for over a century. I just bought my first Armstrong Building yesterday after erecting one for a customer of ours on Martha's Vineyard. We do everything from custom homes to metal buildings and have worked with other steel buildings in the past but after my experience erecting the Armstrong Building, it was a no brainer. It's obvious from the detail and precision of every part that they care about the experience even after the building is delivered. I love that Armstrong Steel manages their detailing & engineering in house rather than overseas too. I was able to call and speak directly with the ones designing the building when I had questions. As a civil engineer myself, trust me when I say, that makes all the difference!"

Joe A.

"I am extremely satisfied with my garage, so much that I am going to come to Armstrong Steel for the next building to start my flea market business. My first building is everything I wanted and more in a garage. Nobody could beat Armstrong's qualities or warranties. It was a no brainer to buy my building from them. Everything about my building fit perfectly together and was fast and easily put up. Armstrong really is the way to go!"

Lee F.

"Before I retired, I needed a quality horse barn, but I didn't want to build with wood. I decided to search for reputable steel building manufacturers, and came across Armstrong Steel's website. The site was so easy to navigate, but more importantly, it was the only site that could of er a variety of custom buildings. The entire process was a breeze. They certainly made it easy on me. Even better, when the building arrived, all the parts showed up on time and in perfect condition. The horse barn went up without a hitch and is still standing stronger than ever. To this day, I'll continue to send people to Armstrong Steel for their building needs."

Tony H.

"I bought an Armstrong building for my RV storage. Nothing was missing when it was delivered and all the pieces fit perfectly. The thickness of the steel and the trim work makes my building look great. Armstrong was the only building that offered I-beam support for a great price. I'm extremely satisfied with the quality and overall sharpness of the building."

Donnie D.

"Thanks for your help! You guys just keep coming through for us and we want to give you and Armstrong a public pat on the back. It appears the contractor will be staging equipment to start work in just a few days. We are all excited that in 60 days our church will be up and we can begin on the interior. I will be sending photos as we go. Thanks again!"

William H.

"We purchased 7 steel buildings from Armstrong Steel. I had shopped around and Armstrong really eased any fear I had. This was a big project to take on for my company and I wanted to do it well. Everything went smoothly and as planned, the Armstrong staff was very helpful! Cost was an issue for this project and Armstrong did a great job of helping me on a budget. My biggest concern when taking delivery was that not all pieces for my 7 buildings would be there, but not one piece was missing! The plant is very satisfied with the project. Everything showed up on time as planned. We are planning on building more steel buildings, we will definitely come back to Armstrong for our future projects."

Ron S.

"We chose Armstrong Steel for this project to maximize the interior open spans and to provide greater earthquake resistance and the final result made it well worth it. The finished building is exceptionally rigid and quiet inside. We are looking forward to enjoying our new garage for many years to come."