Current Events

Can a TV Network be a ‘Church’? The IRS Says Yes. But is it right!?

I’m going to stray from my usual routine of offering steel building tips and engaging in metal building Q&A’s and, this week, I’d like to offer …

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Why Are Men Not Going to Church, and How Do We Get Them Back?

If you’re a church-going man, it seems like you might be in the minority these days. More and more in our society, and in several …

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Churches Across U.S. Raise Awareness for Breast Cancer & Domestic Violence

Pink Ribbons, Purple T-shirts, and 5K runs have become synonymous with October. Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Domestic Violence Awareness Month share the advocacy stage …

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How Do You Know When It’s Time to Build?

Picture your church or house of worship for a minute. Can you describe it in five words or less? I’m curious – what are the …

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One Sentence Church Leaders Don’t Want to Hear

Often times, as I design your steel building, I’ll take a look at some of my past designs. Because of different building loads and codes, …

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Don’t Just Build a Church – Build a Healthy Church!

Is your church in need of an update? Do you want to ‘wow’ the congregation, but are afraid of upsetting your long time followers? Don’t …

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What’s the Best Advice You’ve Ever Received?

Good advice is one of the most valuable things in this world. As a pastor, I’m sure you’ve given and taken your fair share over …

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Paying Rent is Holding Your Church Back!

We can all agree making certain investments are necessary in life. We invest in our education by going to college or committing ourselves to a …

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It’s Easy Being ‘Green’ When Building Your Church

Religious scholars can trace existence as we know it back to the Book of Genesis and the Garden of Eden. Eden is described as being home …

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What is Your Steel Church Building Doing For You?

I asked several people, ranging from extremely religious to not religious at all, what they thought about church. Most of the responses where similar to …

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3 Reasons Your Congregation Should Choose a Steel Church Building

As a pastor or church leader, your first duty is to your congregation and the people of your community. Shepherding your flock with compassion and …

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