Future First Time Builders

Myths Busted: The 4 Most Common Misconceptions About Steel Buildings

There’s a lot of information about steel buildings out there. Several misconceptions about pre-engineered steel buildings are keeping you from pulling the trigger, and sadly, …

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Storing Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings Before Erecting Them

It’s not your birthday or Christmas, but somehow this day has a similar feel to it. Today is the day you take delivery of your …

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Why a New Year’s Resolution to Buy a Metal Building is a Bad Idea

How are you doing on your resolutions so far? Every year, it seems like the same scenario. You make a resolution, and don’t stick to …

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Can You Save Money on Insurance Costs by Building with Steel?

Natural disasters are impossible to predict, and we constantly have to deal with the aftermath. The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre estimated that 220,000 people in …

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How Do You Get the “Juice” to Your Job Site?

While each construction site may be different, they all have one thing in common: they all require some sort of steady power supply. That isn’t …

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How to Plan for the Perfect Steel Barn

Are you dreaming of the perfect steel barn? You don’t have to dream any longer. First, what are the characteristics of the perfect barn? To …

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The Peculiar Thing about a Roof Only Steel Building

Perhaps one of the most nonsensical engineering wonders that you’re going to encounter on your ranch or farm or even in your backyard is the …

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What Type of Building ‘Kit’ is Right For You?

Since you first started playing with toys, you’ve been introduced to some kind of ‘kit.’ When you were a kid, what type of toys did …

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Steel Building or Pole Barn – Which One Would You Rather Have?

This day and age, all the information you’ll ever need is literally at your fingertips. Fire up your computer, tablet, or smartphone, and punch a …

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What to Look For When Shopping For Steel Buildings

What makes some businesses successful, while others are less so? It has nothing to do with these companies wanting to be effective. That can be …

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5 Signs You Might Need More Space

If you have mastered the art of cramming your belongings into every nook and cranny of your house, or your closets are bursting at the …

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