Small Business Owners Network

Hiring the Right Employee – Why You Should Get Emotional About It

You’ve got a problem! It’s a good problem, but still a problem. You’ve grown and you need to start hiring some help. This is a …

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4 Signs It’s Time To Expand Your Home-Based Business

Did you know that an astonishing 52% of small businesses in the United States are home-based? Of course running a small business from your home …

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4 Ways to Make Corporate Culture Your Best Branding Tool

Log on to your Apple computer, buy a pair of shoes from Zappos, order the Asian Chicken salad from Chilis and you’re immediately exposed to …

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6 Reasons Your Small Business Should Be Blogging

Having trouble making your business stand out from the crowd? What can you do that will help customers notice you among the sea of competitors …

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The Space Debate: Lease vs. Build for Your Small Business

What should you do when your small business has outgrown your current space? The time will come when you need to hire more employees, implement …

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4 Ways Harry Reid Could’ve Saved the Desert Tortoise From the Threatening Hands of Cliven Bundy

OK, I admit it, I’m pretty much a news junkie. Like most CEO’s, I read about market trends, technology advancements, and about the geo-political landscape …

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The Importance of A Work/Life Balance

It’s so easy for me to get caught up in tasks at work that I end up staying late at the office. By the time …

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Real Entrepreneurs Embrace Failure, Wantrepreneurs Are Defeated By It

It was Thomas Edison who said, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” I believe that. Have you ever had an amazing idea only …

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The Guide To A Seamless Office Move From Armstrong Steel

Have you outgrown your current office space? Are you ready to build a prefab metal building for more office space? Make the transition into your new office …

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5 Reasons To Get Serious About a CRM Solution…Right Now!

When you first start a business one of the biggest challenges you’re going to face is how you actually do things. In the beginning, you …

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Increase Your Restaurant’s Profits During Football Season

Fantasy teams are drafted. Preseason cuts are gone. Football season is upon us. In big cities as well as small towns, crowds leave their steel …

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