Ready For Your Man Cave? Have You Considered Steel?
It’s a place to unwind or maybe even escape. Yes, we’re talking about a man cave, and every man should have one. Sometimes it seems like the woman in your life has her stamp on every part of the house. Are you inundated with fluffy pillows? Are there scented candles or plastic-covered sofas in every room? Maybe you can’t walk five feet without looking at some pre-war portrait of a flower on the wall?
Don’t get me wrong. Your wife, girlfriend or significant other is a blessing in your life. But sometimes, you just want a place to call your own. This solution doesn’t just benefit you alone. I’m sure ‘your better half’ probably doesn’t want a bright neon beer logo, or deer antlers anywhere on the wall in your living room, right? Think about this – after a long day at work, what could be better than hitting your own ‘fortress of solitude,” and relaxing with a cold drink?
By now, you’re probably convinced you need a man cave, but don’t think you have the space for it. Your garage is full of clutter; the basement is filled with keepsakes (or items you haven’t thrown away yet) and who knows what’s in the attic?
A Pre-engineered metal building is the perfect choice for your future man cave.
Let’s get to it. First, decide what kind of steel building is the right choice for you. Usually men go with some sort of steel garage or workshop as a blueprint for their man cave. Steel buildings can be erected very quickly, so you’ll be able to move into your new man cave in no time. Then decide on specifics like plumbing, heating and air conditioning.
Now its time to think about the things you want to include in your man cave. Take some time and visualize your space. Be realistic in space and function. Do you have a theme in mind? If you opt for a sports-themed man cave, include autographed jerseys, paint the room in your team colors, and make sure there is plenty of couch space to watch the game. If you’re interested in classic style, include a poker table and sitting room. If you’re a fan of billiards, a pool table is a must. Your man cave needs to be a dedicated space to display your manly decorations and showcase the things you love.
What’s a man cave without a bar? Equip your special space with a kegerator or beer dispenser. Gather bar stools and build yourself a place for you and your friends to share a drink. It’s the ultimate man cave feature! This can be a do-it-yourself project you can include to show off your creative side.
For some aspects of your man cave, you might hire the professional services of a contractor. This is supposed to be your picture-perfect space, so don’t tackle something that you’re uncomfortable with doing yourself.
Is your pre-engineered metal building going to double as a spot to showcase your cars? Maybe you can turn your man cave into your fantasy NASCAR garage. Design a space for your automobiles or motorcycles, a workbench, and storage area for your tools and car parts. If you plan on making repairs and maintenance, it needs to include space to operate, but it also needs to show well. What’s the point of a man cave if you can’t show it off and impress your buddies?
The man cave of your dreams all starts with a pre-engineered metal building and packing it with all your favorite toys.
Photo courtesy: Kevan, joncallas, mtneer_man, Yasuhiko Ito
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