Why a Steel Building is the Most Important Piece of Farm Equipment

Cultivators. Balers. Air Seeders. Mowers. Grinders. Combines. Corn Pickers. Harvesters. Diggers. Grain Bins. Hay Heads. Plows. Tillers.
If you’re a farmer, you’ve used one of these pieces of equipment at one time or another. Chances are you’ve used all of them. Which is the most important? Every single machine has its own function and importance in your collection. Is it really possible to just pick one and call it the most important?
I think so.
The single most important piece of farm equipment you own isn’t anything listed above. It’s something you need above all else. That’s right, it’s a steel building. Metal buildings are the most accommodating solutions for builders or do-it-yourselfers, and are perfect for a farm family like yours. An Armstrong building is durable, and strong enough to withstand most types of weather conditions, like heavy snowfall and strong winds. It’s the ideal structure for storing all your equipment year round.
How can a metal building that stows all of your other expensive farming equipment NOT be the most important? Wait. You don’t have a steel building yet? Then you’ve come to the right place.
You can’t afford to have your brand new machinery sitting out in the open or in an old wooden barn. Our pre-engineered metal buildings offer the vast storage space for many different uses. Based on your space necessities, our metal buildings are customized to keep your farm running like a well-oiled machine. House your crops, livestock feed, and other agricultural equipment safely and out of harm’s way.
Pre-engineered metal buildings are perfect for animal storage, as well. If you’re looking for a place to shelter your cows and pigs, maybe even horses, we have buildings that are cost efficient and provide a great alternative to wooden barns. Now you have a choice if you decide to erect a steel building for equestrian use. No longer do you have to deal with insects, bugs, rot, mold, and replacing wood in the barn. Plus, it’s safer for the animals. Animals can’t chew through steel and won’t injure themselves on a steel building’s non-existent posts. If you’re thinking bigger, pre-engineered steel buildings also serve as horse riding arenas. Horses require lots of space and open air, so a steel building is a comfort rather than an unlivable environment.
When landowners and farmers start to plan for a building project, they assess what best fits their demands. When people think of storage space on a farm, naturally the conversations turn to barns. Pole barns have been a mainstay on farms since the 1930’s using utility poles for horse barns and other agricultural buildings. Technology has improved since then, with clear span steel buildings frames, and there are better options on the market. It’s the reason big structures, like manufacturing plants and airplane hangars, are built with steel; it’s engineered to span larger expanses safely, with no wasted room. It’s your internal building space, and you should be able to use all of it without restrictions.
Steel buildings are easy to erect. With numbered components listed on uncomplicated detail drawings, you’ll have your building erected quickly and you’ll be able to get back to work without delay.
We recognize the importance of farmers to our country. Not only does farming provide food, it’s also an engine that fuels our economy and provides needed conservation. It’s our job is to help you continue to do what you do best.
Get started on pricing your building today!
Photo courtesy: Berkeley« Do’s & Don’ts When Hiring a Steel Building Contractor
Steel Buildings vs. Pole Barns: Make the Right Choice »
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