Armstrong Network

Pulling the Curtain Back on Pole Barns
Remember the movie The Wizard of Oz? I think everyone’s seen it so I’m not really spoiling the ending. Near the conclusion of the movie, upon further inspection, we find out that the “great and powerful” Oz is simply man behind the curtain, not a wizard like the characters were led to believe. Don’t be… …

A Beginner’s Guide: Steel Buildings vs. Fabric Buildings
Building a new workshop, storage area, or commercial building? There are a variety of building types and building materials to choose from. The right materials depend on each individual’s needs and budget. Some of the most common building types include steel, wood, fabric, stone, and concrete. Each material type has advantages and disadvantages for the… …

You’ll Never Be Tempted to Dip into the Church Emergency Fund After Reading This
James 1:13-18 – When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when… …

Re-Ignite Your Congregation Without Saying a Word
A member of the church, who previously had been attending services regularly, stopped going. After a few weeks, the pastor decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening. The pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing the reason for his pastor’s visit, the man welcomed him, led him… …

Architects – When to Draw the Line on Drawing the Lines
In this series First Time Builder: A-Z list of Essentials, Jeremy Bjork will detail several issues facing some of his most important clients, first time builders such as yourself. Jeremy will answer common questions and provide you with simple and affordable solutions to common situations. Jeremy works as a Senior Level Project Manager at Armstrong Steel in… …

Building Your Church without Breaking the Bank
From the story of Noah to modern times, one huge question faced by every leader of the faithful has been, “How much space am I going to need?” While early church builders erected mammoth structures that took years and tremendous budgets to complete, you will find that building a new space for your congregation can… …

Hiring the Right Employee – Why You Should Get Emotional About It
You’ve got a problem! It’s a good problem, but still a problem. You’ve grown and you need to start hiring some help. This is a process that is considerably more important to a small business owner than it might appear. New employees cost time and money to train. Insurance, payroll, business cards, additional equipment, these… …

Commercial Construction Projected to Rise 17% in 2014
It is an interesting economic fact that more millionaires were created during the Great Depression than anytime in American history. The second most prosperous time to be an entrepreneur was the post-Civil War economic flop, during reconstruction. This invalidates the idea that great financial abundance can only be achieved when the economy is thriving. Another… …

Pastors Discuss: 7 Easy Steps to Establish & Grow Your Church
In The Beginning…. (Genesis 1:1) It started out small; just an idea; a few informal meetings of people with similar beliefs in God. You met and exchanged ideas, you built a fellowship, people made these informal meetings part of their routine and eventually word spread; others joined; you grew. Now you have a flock and… …
Getting a Steel Building Quote Factory Direct
The first step toward getting your project started is getting a price! You may either call us directly at 1-800-345-4610 or answer a few questions below to receive pricing.