How to Execute a Successful Metal Church Building Program
With winter upon us, many church leaders, of all religious affiliations, take the opportunity to hunker down and spend much more time with their congregations under the same roof. While cramped quarters can reinforce fellowship, it doesn’t serve worshipers in the right way. Has your congregation spoken to you about this issue? Don’t worry, because you’re not the only one.
The goal of every church, behind it’s ministry of course, is to grow. But building a church isn’t the same as building a church building. If you’re not sure how to proceed with your congregation and you need a jump-start, take a look at 4 Essentials for Church Revitalization. If you’re ready to embark on a church building program, it’s time to pay attention. Building a metal church building takes planning, patience, and practical application.
Before you decide to build, ask yourself a few questions and make sure your decision to build is for all the right reasons. Every church is unique in its ministry, culture and calling. What do you hope to get out of this expansion? If a congregation and its leaders have spent the proper time planning and praying, while considering the financial repercussions, then you’re ready to proceed.
First, everyone in your metal church building needs to be on the same page. Carefully select a planning committee. A successful project hinges on successful leadership. As a pastor, don’t be afraid to delegate responsibilities to other members of the congregation with building knowledge. This mission from God is about seeing the big picture and guiding others during the process.
Make sure the committee is thinking long-term. Take a look at your property and scheme smart. Account for parking, classrooms and a fellowship hall. Don’t just plan for your main chapel. You might want to think of other opportunities for small projects down the road. Would you like to add a cemetery or memorial on the church grounds in the future? Keep an open mind and dream big! You’re not just building a church building. You’re developing a community.
One thing to avoid is letting everyone in the planning committee. While you should work to be inclusive, you can do so by giving every member of the congregation a certain job or task. You don’t want too many cooks in the kitchen, but at the same time, you want everyone to feel emotionally invested. The entire church needs to feel a part of the project, and the joy the process brings. Use this opportunity to look at non-building specific ministries. Stewardship and outreach are just as vital to the church as the building process.
That leads me to my next point. It seems obvious, but make sure the church’s finances are in order. Financial professionals can keep your Building Capital Campaign on budget and within planning constraints. Be honest with your congregation regarding capital campaigns during this project. They’ll be more committed to the effort. Stewardship plays an important role in a building program. You’ll need to raise money to cover your expenses, and likely, you may have to borrow funds as well. Your congregation will make sacrifices, but watching those sacrifices pay off inside a completed metal church building will be cause for celebration.
What’s the most important part of a successful church building program? Get in touch with an Armstrong Steel building expert. We’ve worked with projects of all shapes and sizes, and we’ll put your plan into motion. Erecting an Armstrong building is easy; the planning that goes into each building is meticulous. That’s why we ask that you have a definitive vision in mind. Thomas Edison famously said, “Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets planning.”
Success is a designed event, and we’ll do the designing. Here’s your opportunity. Contact an Armstrong Steel building expert and get started on your vision.
Photo courtesy: Gerardofegan, James Thompson, ERNACT EEIG« Steel Buildings vs. Pole Barns: Make the Right Choice
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