6 Ways to Take Your Small Business to the Next Level

From the very moment you wake up in the morning, you’re inundated with marketing, advertising, and consumerism from every angle. Think about it. You turn on the TV and see countless commercials trying to sell just about everything you can imagine. The radio is full of the same. On your morning commute, you pass by one billboard after another. When you finally arrive at your pre-engineered metal building, you wonder how to compete in such a full marketplace.
Many small business owners feel the same way. It’s tough to get a foothold in the market and continue to compete on a high level. Forbes magazine estimates that approximately half a million new businesses get started each month, so the competition can be fierce. Even the most successful businesses around the globe had to start somewhere, and had to take advice on how to grow into industry giants. While this isn’t a blueprint to guaranteed success, you can use these tips to take your small business to the next level.
Take Calculated Risks
The term ‘next level” is fairly vague for a reason, and can mean a variety of things. For some just starting out, it might be branching out into multiple communities. For bigger businesses, it might mean a move to the national stage. The point here is the same. Don’t just take risks. Take calculated risks. American folk hero General George S. Patton spoke on this subject, saying, “Take calculated risks. That is different from being rash.” He has the right idea, and you can employ his strategy into your small business. It’s OK to have a bold idea; just pair it with the right amount of forethought. Evaluate the pros and cons before making a decision. When you take calculated risks, daring attempts at success seem less daring, and your comfort zone expands. Some businesses rush into the fold, concerned about being first without an adequate business model. Don’t be late to adapt, of course, but enter the fold when you can manage every aspect of your task.
Know Your Focus
Big companies can afford to reach out to everyone on the planet. Your small business probably doesn’t have that capability. Tailor all your messages to your specific audience. A well-designed campaign of any kind can be extremely successful if it speaks to your clientele. Develop a strong base and cater to those customers. Also think about how your customers would feel if they didn’t have your product. What would they miss about it? How do you keep people filling the gaps in their lives with your merchandise or services? Our pre-engineered metal buildings are the most flexible building solutions on the market for all kinds of builders. Find out what makes your company unique and sell that fact.
Find Professional Mentors
Some of the best small businesses are patterned after another successful venture. Are you aspiring to new heights or trying to emulate the achievement of others? Reach out to them. People don’t have to be alone in these small business endeavors, but sometimes think they do. Potential mentors can be people in the same industry, or maybe someone who has blazed the same trail. If you want to follow in their footsteps, talk with them about how they achieved their goals.
Even if it’s on a smaller level, providing some kind of outreach is important in the everyday business landscape. Armstrong United is the vehicle driven by the employees of Armstrong Steel. We partner with several charities and non-for-profits to raise awareness and funds for people in need. Why does a pre-engineered metal building company like us do this? It’s our way of creating positive outreach and creating a partnership with our communities. We’re making an investment in our future. We proudly support these companies and the opportunities to bring people into our mission of advocacy.
Avoid Shortcuts
Surely your business is built on ethics. In 2001, Enron folded because executives failed to reveal large losses in the company’s projects, and were sentenced to prison. The fraud scandal was a fixture in the news media, and the company suffered an epic collapse. It goes without saying to avoid that path. Make it a point to give your business a solid foundation on which to grow, and don’t shortchange yourself. Learn everything there is to know about your particular product, and make a constant effort to improve it. Be wary of shortcuts that seem like a stroke of luck at the time. It’s the same thing we tell people when buying a pre-engineered metal building. Cheaper doesn’t always mean better and can lead to several additional costs down the road. Make every step of the process a chance to prove yourself to your customer.
Publish Press Releases
When you publish press releases on your site, you aren’t stroking your ego; you’re making an effort to stay transparent. Tell your story in a concise way the audience will remember. Most small businesses don’t get a ton of unsolicited media attention, but you want to give the appearance you are bigger and more reputable. It’s also a good idea because of content creation. The more information and relevant subject matter posted to your website, the more often your company will show up in search engines.
Are you interested in growing your small business? Consider upgrading to a new pre-engineered metal building today!
Photo courtesy: Adam Grabek, Great Valley Center, Jeremy Couture, Hakan Dahlstrom
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