Cancun, Mexico – Armstrong Steel’s Annual Staff Team Building Retreat In 2015
Denver, Colorado – “High expectations are the key to everything and I set the bar high for our sales team, our administration team, everyone,” says Ethan Chumley, Founder and CEO of Armstrong Steel. “Across the board, our staff continues to perform and exceed those expectations. Coming together off-site in an environment where we can collaborate and focus on our vision and strategy for 2015 is refreshing.”
In 2014, Armstrong Steel reinforced it’s market leadership, experienced solid growth, posted record production numbers, and concentrated it’s efforts on developing key competitive advantages such as the opening of it’s manufacturing facility.
“I look at 2014 as the year that redefined Armstrong Steel,” says Chumley. “We managed a healthy and controlled growth, we made the conscious decision to compete with ourselves rather than others, and we continue to evolve. The cause for Armstrong’s continued success lies in the passion of our staff. They’re the heart and soul of Armstrong Steel,” says Chumley.
While the Colorado headquarters will be enduring the seasonally chilly winter weather, dozens of the company’s workforce will be dispatched to recharge, regroup, and develop a comprehensive strategy for facilitating Chumley’s 2015 expectations. Company events, outings, dinners and leisure will round out the four day weekend. “We ask a lot from our employees because our customers ask a lot from us. We’ve been very blessed, from the beginning,” remarks Chumley. “We’ve found that as long as we continue to be fundamentally good in our business dealings, as long as we’re not being bad to people, the consumer continues to give us their trust and support. That’s what this retreat is all about. Our decision to hold our annual retreat in Mexico shouldn’t be considered extravagant. It indicates our usual frugality by combining company planning with a much needed respite.”
Team building and group activities are paramount to the culture of Armstrong Steel throughout the year. “Success comes naturally when you’re surrounded by good-hearted people who have ability, knowledge, guts and morals. It makes me more excited to help my customers because I believe in Armstrong’s leaders; it makes me excited to be a part of a team, to be part of this team,” says Cathy Holland, Armstrong Steel Building Consultant.
Armstrong Steel’s team building retreat will take place January 29 – February 1, 2015. Essential staff will remain at the Armstrong Steel Corporate Campus to continue to help customers with their steel building projects. “I never lose sight of the reason we open our doors each morning,” remarks Chumley with confidence, “It always has been and always will be because of our customer.”
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